Money - it’s not Magic it’s Energy

Money - it’s not Magic it’s Energy

Money is not  just a physical entity, but a form of energy

Money as energy isn't new. It's been around for centuries. In fact, the word 'currency' itself comes from the Latin word 'currere', which means 'to run' or 'to flow', just like energy.

When you receive your paycheck or when you find a dollar bill on the street, how do you feel? Happy, elated, relieved? That's the emotional energy of money.

As with any other form of energy, our relationship with money affects our ability to attract it. The energy you put into the universe is the energy you get back. If you view money with respect, gratitude, and positivity, you are more likely  to attract it into your life.

Your feelings and thoughts about money, essentially your energy towards it, will dictate your financial reality. So, it's not just about working harder or smarter to earn more money. It's about changing your  energy, your mindset, and your perspective  

"The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. If you see money as a positive force, you'll attract it.


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